主营:军工IC 电子元器件 连接器 航空接插头
发布时间:2017-05-07 08:14:06
HMC694模拟可变增益放大器芯片,6 - 17 GHz 量产阶段 本产品单价较高 货期比较长 如有货期价格方面的问题可以随时咨询国宇航芯黄小姐 13632767652
宽增益控制范围: 23 dB
输出IP3(***大增益): +30 dBm
输出P1dB: +22 dBm
裸片尺寸: 2.26 x 0.97 x 0.1 mm
HMC694是一款GaAs MMIC PHEMT模拟可变增益放大器裸片,工作频率范围为6至17 GHz。 该放大器非常适合微波无线电应用,提供高达24 dB增益、22 dBm输出P1dB、30 dBm输出IP3(***大增益时),同时在+5V电源下功耗仅为170 mA。 提供栅极偏置(Vctrl)使可变增益控制高达23 dB。 HMC694在6至17 GHz范围内的增益平坦度非常出色,因而非常适合EW、ECM和雷达应用。
由于尺寸较小且无需外部匹配,HMC694可轻松集成到多芯片模块(MCM)中。 所有数据均通过50 ?测试夹具中的芯片获取,通过直径为0.025 mm (1 mil)、***小长度为0.31 mm (12 mil)的线焊连接。
项目销售工程师 黄云艳
手机 13632767652
Features and Benefits
4-20 mA, 0-20 mA Output Ranges
Precalibrated Input Ranges: 0V to 2V, 0V to 10V
Precision Voltage Reference Programmable to 2.000 V or
10.000 V
Single or Dual Supply Operation
Wide Power Supply Range:
4.5V to 36V
Wide Output Compliance
Input Buffer Amplifier
Open-Loop Alarm
Optional External Pass Transistor to Reduce Self-Heating Errors
0.002% Typ Nonlinearity
Product Categories
Product Details
The AD694 is a monolithic current tran***itter that accepts high level signal inputs to drive a standard 4-20 mA current loop for the control of valves, actuators, and other devices commonly used in process control. The input signal is buffered by an input amplifier that can be used to scale the input signal or buffer the output from a current mode DAC. Precalibrated input spans of 0 V to 2 V and 0 V to 10 V are selected by simple pin strapping; other spans may be programmed with external resistor.
The output stage compliance extends to within 2 V of VS and its special design allows the output voltage to extend below common in dual supply operation. An alarm warns of an open 4-to-20 mA loop or noncompliance of the output stage.
Active laser trimming of the AD694's thin film resistors results in high levels of accuracy without the need for additional adjustments and calibration. An external pass transistor may be used with the AD694 to off-load power dissipation, extending the temperature range of operation.
The AD694 is the ideal building block for systems requiring noise immune 4-20 mA signal tran***ission to operate valves, actuators, and other control devices, as well as for the tran***ission of process parameters such as pressure, temperature, or flow. It is recommended as a replacement for discrete designs in a variety of applicati*** in industrial process control, factory automation, and system monitoring.
The AD694 is ***ailable in hermetically sealed, 16-pin cerdip and plastic SOIC, specified over the -40°C to +85°C industrial temperature range, and in a 16-pin plastic DIP, specified over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range.
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地址: 主营产品:军工IC 电子元器件 连接器 航空接插头
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